Preventing the spread of virus Flashdisk, Viruses today are generally spread through two ways, online (via network) and offline (via physical storage media). To conduct the infection from one computer to another computer offline, the virus will take advantage of storage that is easy to carry. Maybe once the floppy is the most widely used media, but now appears to connect a USB flash disk. With greater capacity and the price is getting cheaper, the storage media is increasingly loved by many people.

Along with the increasingly widespread use of flash disks offline mechanisms of spread of the virus with the higher intensity as well particularly in Indonesia. The virus from domestic makers increasingly creative in designing the virus with certain tricks to speed up the spread of the virus that they make.
At first the virus will only put the file is a virus program to storage, so each time you connect your flash disk to a computer that is infected, the virus will place a folder / file to the flash disk virus without known owner. This trick is slowly becoming easier to detect and suspicious files it will easily be removed by the owner directly.
Then came the name of social engineering techniques (social engineering) in which the virus is inserted into the flash disk becomes more difficult to recognize by mimicking / create files and folders with pre-existing and hide the original file or by creating a file or folder with the name- name of the user's attention, it was all done with the expectation that the user clicks on the file / folder so that the virus can be active and get into the victim's computer.
Way of spreading a virus that is currently booming is to utilize existing Autorun feature in Windows operating systems. This feature greatly facilitates us who actually want to directly open / play files in the storage media immediately. But the virus makers see this feature as the fastest way to help spread the virus. By instilling virus with autorun.inf file is written to run a virus file in the root directory of the flash disk, every time a user connects to a computer flash drive autorun feature her active, the virus will automatically be run directly.
To perform virus prevention Autorun feature to spread with the help of now you do not have to bother anymore, as do the steps are long and risky settings. Thanks to portable applications from PandaSecurity security company, you are able to do security to connect USB storage, such as Flash Disk in a few clicks.
Free application called Panda USB Vaccine has two ways to counteract the spread of the virus through storage media:
1. Computer Vaccination - this application will disable the autorun feature of Windows computer operating system as a whole, so the program / virus that uses autorun.inf file and is in a USB / CD / DVD will not be executed / executed automatically. But you can still restore these features to its original state.
2. USB Drive Vaccination - Virus now can no longer create the file autorun.inf to help its spread. This application will make a special AUTORUN.INF file into the flash disk, where the file is already designed so as not to be changed, edited, or deleted by the virus. Users also can not delete the file except by doing format.
For the current vaccination facilities on the USB device only applies to storage format FAT & FAT32, but in the future this application will be developed to support the NTFS format.
These applications can run on Windows 2000 SP4 operating system, Windows XP SP1-SP3, and Windows Vista SP0 and SP1.
Before the emergence of this application I have long found some way of preventing the spread of viruses via USB in a way that is almost similar.
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