Blackberry Service

Blackberry Service, Mobile (Mobile) Blackberry (BB) will do no good if we do not subscribe to the package from your Blackberry. You could say without service BB, BB same henpon wrote henpon usual.

Blackberry mobile phones to access the Internet with APN:, where the setting is a built-in HP BB or on the BlackBerry Connect software ... I can not using that in the usual with HP playing GPRS APN settings as usual. Access to APN this is what we have to pay per month to operators around 185rb - 200rb.

While access to email / Blackberry email account was not anything to do with payment per month to the operator td. Blackberry account can we make if we have a handset / henpon Blackberry. And the rule of "common" ... him. 1 henpon have an account. So do HP-to-account ... it's up mo pake any operator.

In every HP Blackberry, we must know the PIN and IMEI it. PIN PIN here is not to enable the HP, but more like the second IMEI from HP. BB PIN is the identity of the BB handset, which enables chatting PIN-to-PIN.

Well for BB account creation, we can just go to sites like:

Actually it's up mo aja pake which, together wrote ... because it's to RIM its server. It's just better ngikutin operator is used. At the time of registration, will be prompted for the PIN and IMEI of the handset BB ours. Well, for example, will replace the handset kl ... must go into this account once en select Change Device, we must enter the PIN en ama new BB IMEI.
Kl no, the owner of the new BB handset never be able to register an account to your Blackberry (RIM).

For you who want to buy BB, first prepare the card / SIM card is already ready yng BB service.
So fitting a new BB handset purchase, immediately tried to registered BB account, because some cases ... a lot of who I alamin BB handset also still nggantung alias already registered ama others. Kl its case gini, complicated affairs ... practically ampir can not "dibenerin" ... unless we ask for the account owner TSB ngelepas his BB PIN.

Tp if sempet ngalamin, take a look at doing a hard reset once the BB ... sometimes its BB msh o'on rada ... how hardresetnya: Options - Security Options - General Settings - (click on the Menu) - Wipe Handheld. Quote msh nggantung Cl, yes deh already

BB handset testing process:
1. Prepare your SIM Card that is ready BB service
2. Insert the SIM card into the BB handset, turn on, and do the registration process service BB
3. If you need to restart the BB first (ALT - CAP - DEL)
4. Note the indicator paper GPRS / EDGE ... from small letters (gprs), later turned into big letters (GPRS). This marks the BB services from operators already active.
5. Go to Options - Advanced Options - Host Routing Table
There should be a few lines of text in there, kl is empty ... click Menu - Register Now
Wait until several lines in the Host Routing Table
6. Open a web browser on a PC, and enter the site BB
Select the appropriate operator SIM Card.
7. Open in BB, Options - Status, catet en IMEI PIN
8. Register new account on the site en IMEI PIN BB with the handset.
9. If successful, I'll live email account settings BB wrote on the site.
10. Email Settings enough from BB site, do not need the handset lg.

've Deh, until BB already be using that here ...

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